Researcher Details

Makoto Higashijima

Affiliation Ritsumeikan University, College of Letters
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese History
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Research Interest History of Social Exclusion and Inclusion, History of Relationship between State and Society in the Age of Change, Historical Disaster and Famine
Keywords 幕府, 精神史, シベリウスと日本史学, 安丸良夫, 網野善彦の「日本論」, 内村鑑三と超党派,近世都市にみる弱者, 日本中世の都市型飢饉, 無教会, 江湖, 石母田正
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2023 "What are Aristocrats, and What are Samurai?" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2024/02/07