Researcher Details

Makiko Tsuchida

Affiliation Kyoritsu Women's University
Designation Lecturer
Specialization Aesthetics and studies on art , Arts in general
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Early Modern Theater, History of Japanese Music, History of Japanese Performing Arts
Keywords 歌舞伎, 新派, 劇音楽, 三味線音楽, 明治, 歌舞伎陰囃子, 近代化, 古典化, 黒御簾音楽, 囃子付帳, 女役者, 神田劇場, 中村歌扇
Relation with Nichibunken FY2015-2016 "The Body in the Japanese Performing Arts: Death and Life, Puppets and Artificial Bodies" Team Research Member, FY2017-2020 "A Cultural History of Sound and Hearing" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06