Researcher Details

Kyozo Takei

Affiliation National Institute of Japanese Literature
Designation Professor Emeritus
Specialization Art history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Japanese Modern Drama
Keywords 歌舞伎, 人形浄瑠璃, 若衆歌舞伎, 野郎歌舞伎, 沖縄, 近松門左衛門, 役柄, 娘形, 江戸の演劇空間, 薩摩藩邸, 唐躍り
Relation with Nichibunken FY2015-2016 "The Body in the Japanese Performing Arts: Death and Life, Puppets and Artificial Bodies" Team Research Member, FY2016-2017 "Japan in the 18th century : cultural conditions and international environment" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06