Researcher Details

Koji Toba

Affiliation Waseda University, Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese literature
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Research Interest Japanese modern literature, Postwar cultural movements, Documentary film, Documentary literature
Keywords アヴァンギャルド, ルポルタージュ, 戦後文学, 芸術運動, 安部公房, 杉浦明平, 記録映画,戦後の労働者,ダム建設記録,東アジアの文学とアメリカ,占領期ローカルメディア,社会運動組織,戦後/冷戦期における日本文学,サークルの時代,戦争を〈読む〉.震災後に読む文学
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019- "Social Movements and Cultural Production in Japan during the East Asian Cold-War" Team Researcher, FY2015~2018 "Rethinking Postwar Japanese Culture" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06