Researcher Details

Koji Hirota

Affiliation Shizuoka City Cultural Promotion Foundation
Designation Curator
Specialization Japanese history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Social History of the Middle Ages
Keywords 丹波, 鎌倉末, 南北朝期, 凡下・住人, 在地社会, 法光寺城遺跡群, 保存運動, 荘園遺跡, 中世荘園, 和泉国大津・府中地域, 荘園制解体期
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2022"Formation and Changes of Correspondence-Texts as Seen in the Principle of 'As If'-Transpositions: The Term Monjo, Its Styles, Signs, Representations, and Intentions"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06