Researcher Details

Kiyoshi Aizawa

Affiliation The National Institute for Defense Studies
Designation Director, Security Policy History Research Office
Specialization Japanese history , International relations
Related Page Web site
Research Interest International political history of the East Asian region around Japan, Postwar history of East Asia
Keywords 海軍,真珠湾,戦間期日本海軍,対英戦略,旅順口奇襲作戦,日露戦争,東アジアの覇権,海軍力,山本五十六,太平洋戦争,ロンドン会議,航空軍備,The Tripartite Pact and the Japanese Navy's Strategy, The Russo-Japanese War
Relation with Nichibunken FY2014-2015 "Japanese Military Strategy towards East Asian Society: The Second Sino-Japanese War Era" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06