Researcher Details

Kiyohiko Sugiyama

Affiliation The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Historical studies in general , Asian and African history
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Research Interest History of the Qing Empire
Keywords マンジュ, 満洲, 王公, 大清帝国(清朝), 八旗制, ヌルハチ, 近世, 中央ユーラシア, ジュシェン(女直・女真), ホンタイジ, 北アジア, 比較史, アジア史, 東北アジア, 大清帝国史,清代の北京と紫禁城,弐臣と功臣,大清帝国の支配構造と八旗制,大清帝国の政治空間と支配秩序,マンジュ(満洲)王朝としての大清帝国の国制,多民族の中国
Relation with Nichibunken FY2021~2024 "Reconsidering the Early-Modern in the History of East Asia: In Search of a New Global History" Team Research Member, FY2016-2020 "East Asian Kingship and Social Order in a Comparative Context: Courts, Empires and States/ Thought, Religion and Rites" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06