Researcher Details

Kentaro Higuchi

Affiliation Ryukoku University, Faculty of Letters
Designation Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Specialization Japanese History
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Ancient and medieval history of Japan
Keywords 家族史, 日本古代史, 鎌倉時代, 平安時代, 摂関政治, 京都, 公家, 貴族, 日本中世史, 摂関家, 天皇, 院政,『愚昧記』,平安末期貴族の家族と親族,白河・鳥羽院政期の政権中枢,八条院領の伝領と八条良輔,保元の乱,中世王権の形成と摂関家,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020~ "What are Aristocrats, and What are Samurai?" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06