Researcher Details

Kenshin Kirihara

Affiliation Kinjo Gakuin University College of Humanities Department of Japanese Culture
Designation Professor
Specialization Intellectual history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest The History of Modern Japanese Ethical Thought, The Transformation of Self-Knowledge in the Age of Transformation, The Study of Thought during the Bakumatsu Restoration
Keywords 吉田松陰, 幕末日本, 自他認識, 攘夷, 東アジアの経済倫理, 渋沢栄一, 張謇, 公益思想, 仏教, 会沢正志斎, 神道, 水戸学, 渋沢栄一, 戦時歌謡, 死生観
Relation with Nichibunken FY2018-2019 "The Ideological Origins of China’s Modern Revolution: Ideological Influences from Japan" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06