Researcher Details

Keiichiro Matsumura

Affiliation Okayama University,Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Cultural anthropology , Area Studies
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Rural Society in Ethiopia, Anthropology of Ownership and Distribution, Contemporary Africa
Keywords 所有と分配, 贈与論, 経済人類学, 民族間関係, 貧困と援助, 国家と市場, 海外出稼ぎ, エチオピア, 中東, セトウチ, モラル・エコノミー, 市場経済, うしろめたさ
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2022"Cultural Creativity in a Shrinking Society: Individuals, Networks, Capital, and Systems"Team Research Member,FY2016-2019"Expos and Human History"Research Representative
Last Updated 2023/09/06