Researcher Details

Kei Saito

Affiliation Osaka University, Graduate School of Humanities
Designation Assistant Professor
Specialization Aesthetics and studies on art , Art history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Musical Thought, Historical Writing, Modern Poetry, Folk Songs, New Folk Songs, Japanese Music, Musicology
Keywords 戦前日本の音風景,歴史語りのインテレクチュアル・ヒストリー,日本音楽史: 異形の近代,赤松克麿の労働歌,折口信夫を音楽美学,黎明期の新民謡,日本音楽史といふものは可能であるか,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2017-2020 "A Cultural History of Sound and Hearing" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06