Researcher Details

Kei Hirakura

Affiliation Yokohama National University
Designation Asso. Professor
Specialization Aesthetics and studies on art , Philosophy , Ethics , Arts in general
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Body, Expanded Mind, Agency, Heterogeneous Collective, Art Production
Keywords 知覚, 環境, 舞踊, 動物, 芸術制作の分析, ゴダール的方法, マース・カニングハム,アメリカン・アヴァンガルド・ムーヴィ
Relation with Nichibunken FY 2019~2023 "Avidya on a Spider’s Web: Toward the Future of the Somatic Experience under the Ecology of Social Network System" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06