Researcher Details

Kazuki Takahashi

Affiliation Meiji University,Graduate School of Arts and Letters,History,Japanese History Course
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of the Middle Ages in Japan
Keywords 荘園, 史料論, 鎌倉幕府, 公武権力, 東国武士団, 中世武士, 土器, 中世地下文書, 十四世紀の歴史学, 戦国期文書論
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2022"Formation and Changes of Correspondence-Texts as Seen in the Principle of 'As If'-Transpositions: The Term Monjo, Its Styles, Signs, Representations, and Intentions"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06