Researcher Details

Kazuhiro Takii

Affiliation Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of National System, Comparative Legal History, Formation and Development of Meiji Constitutional System
Keywords 立憲主義, 明治国制, 伊藤博文, 帝国大学体制, 渡邉洪基,明治国家, 伊藤博文, 明治憲法, ドイツ国家学と明治国制, 日本政治史, 開港期神戸, 日本文明論, 萬年会, 植民地帝国大学, アルトホーフ—, ローレンツ・フォン・シュタイン, Ito Hirobumi, Meiji Constitution,taatsverständnis
Relation with Nichibunken FY2022- "The Formation and Development of Western Perceptions of Japan" Team Research Member,FY2024 "A View on Global Japanese Studies" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2024/07/31