Researcher Details

Kazuhiro Matsunaga

Affiliation Osaka University, Tekijuku Commemoration Center
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Japanese History
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Osaka Studies, History of Medicine, History of Sake, Medieval Japanese History, History of Civil-Military Relations
Keywords 公武関係論,天皇論,公家社会論,室町殿権力論,南北朝内乱,大阪学,医薬史,酒史,室町社会における酒,看聞日記,文化財としての適塾,室町幕府と皇位・皇統,緒方洪庵夫人・八重の新出書状
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020~ "What are Aristocrats, and What are Samurai?" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06