Researcher Details

Kazuhide Uemura

Affiliation Kyoto Sangyo University Faculty of Law Department of Law
Designation Professor
Specialization Politics , Intellectual history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Japanese Political Thought, Nationalism, History of Showa Thought
Keywords 平泉澄, 歴史神学者, 滞欧研究日記, フリードリヒ・マイネッケ, ドイツ, ネーション, カール・シュミット, 丸山眞男, 蓑田胸喜, 西田幾多郎, 高坂正顕, 京都学派, 原理日本社, 民族, 国体の本義, 日本文化の問題, 国体論, 折口信夫, 保守主義者, ナショナリズム, ポピュリズム, 参政権, Staatsverständnis in Japan
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2020 "The Creation and Development of Philosophy in East Asia: An Intercultural Perspective" Team Research Member,FY2018-2019 "The Ideological Origins of China’s Modern Revolution: Ideological Influences from Japan" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06