Researcher Details

Kazue Nagasawa

Affiliation Tenri University
Designation Part-time Lecturer
Specialization International relations , Japanese history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of East Asian international relations, Japan-Korea relations
Keywords 第一次世界大戦, パリ講和会議, 南洋諸島, ドイツ権益継承問題, 外務省, 日独戦役講和, ワシントン条約体制, 青島, 領事館, 警察, 膠州湾租借地, 建国記念の日, 戦後体制, 平和主義
Relation with Nichibunken FY2013~2018 "Knowledge and Power in Japanese Colonial Empire" Team Reseracher Team Reserach Project Member: "The Japanese Colonial Empire and the Global Linkage of Knowledge" (FY2020)
Last Updated 2023/09/06