Researcher Details

Juro Iwatani

Affiliation Keio University Faculty of Law
Designation Professor
Specialization Law
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Research Interest History of the Japanese Legal System
Keywords 法社会史, 犯罪, 刑罰, 明治, 大正, 弁護士, 死刑, 検事, 刑事弁護, 馬袋鶴之助, 在日外国人法律家, 福澤諭吉, 紛争, 民法典論争, 明治中期法学教育, 裁判所, 法律学校, 旧刑法編纂, 司法資料, 明治初期民衆の訴訟生活, 大審院, 司法省, 明治期翻訳法律語
Relation with Nichibunken FY2015-2019 "Approaching Meiji Japan from the Perspective of a Comparative History of Civilizations: Rethinking its Legacy" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06