Researcher Details

Junko Terado

Affiliation Senshu University,School of Letters
Designation Lecturer
Specialization Religious studies
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Christianity, Disability Studies, Symbiosis, Body Theory, French Culture
Keywords 共同体運動,権利,祝祭,正義と配慮,キリストに依る世界,聖地のスペクタクル,宗教とウェルビーイング,「死者/生者」論,知的障害者のグループホーム
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2020"Reconsidering the History of Japanese Religions from the Perspective of Discrimination: The Logic of the Sacred and Impure in Shrines and Temples and Kingship"Team Research Member, FY2011-2012 "Devices and Notions of Japanese and French Spacialities and Temporalities" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06