Researcher Details

Junko Koyama

Affiliation Kyoto Women's University Faculty of Arts Department of Japanese Language and Literature
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese literature
Related Page Web site
Research Interest The Formation of Waka Expressions in the New Kokon Era, Forbidden Literature in the Muromachi Period, Classical Education and Subcultures
Keywords 古典文学, 和歌, 韻文学, 新古今和歌集, 連歌, 藤原良経, 藤原俊成 , 藤原定家, 室町後期, 和漢聯句, 良基, 絶海, 義滿, 本歌取り, 伊勢物語, 古典文学コミカライズ, 源光行, 室町時代の女性歌人, 漢詩文の受容, 鶯詠, 三条西実隆, 小式部内侍, 歌枕
Relation with Nichibunken FY2018-2021 "A Theory of Culture during the Oei and Eikyo periods: Between Popular Views of History on 'Kitayama Culture' and 'Higashiyama Culture'" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06