Researcher Details

Jiang Sun

Affiliation Nanjing University of China
Designation Professor
Specialization Asian and African history , Intellectual history , Religious studies
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Social History of East Asia, History of Ideas, Religious Studies, History and Memory, Conceptual History
Keywords 革命と秘密結社,宗教,結社,権力,歴史,記憶,アイデンティティ,近代知,概念史,民間信仰,紅卍字会,小刀会,哥老会,キリスト教,西洋文明,人種,中国歴史教科書,神話,黄帝,ラクーペリ,中国文明西来説,上海事変,紅卍字会の遺体埋葬活動,大本教,Social Memory and Identity in China, Chinese Religions, Christianity and Chinese Society, Secret Societies and 1911 Revolution
Relation with Nichibunken FY2014-2017 "The Culture Sphere of the Former Japanese Empire: A Reexamination through Graphic Media" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06