Researcher Details

Iori Kurokawa

Affiliation Kobe University, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies
Designation Collaborative Research Fellow
Specialization Japanese history , Intellectual history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Japanese thought, History of social movements
Keywords 1950年代文化運動,農村女性文学の研究,山代巴と無名の書き手,社会運動の資料,戦後日本の左派社会運動,継続する帝国経験,朝鮮戦争・ベトナム戦争,帝国に抗する社会運動,在日,日本共産党史研究,炭鉱,若き労働者の肉声,佐賀部落解放研究,初期社会主義研究
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020~2022 "The Scars of Post-war Japan" Team Researcher, FY2019 "Social Movements and Cultural Production in Japan during the East Asian Cold-War" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06