Researcher Details

Ikuko Nakagawara

Affiliation Graduate School of Humanities / School of Humanities, Nagoya University
Designation Assistant Professor
Specialization Art history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Mural painting at Kizil Grottoes, History of Buddhist art, History of art in Central Asia and China, Research on techniques and materials of mural painting, Research on clothing culture
Keywords シルクロード・キジル石窟壁画,牧畜文化解析,アフロ・ユーラシア内陸乾燥地文明,シルクロード・キジル石窟壁画,インドから中国への仏教美術,クチャ地域の石窟寺院の壁画,宗教組織と地域共同体,クチャ地域の涅槃美術
Relation with Nichibunken
Last Updated 2023/09/06