Researcher Details

Hitomi Fukazawa

Affiliation Otsuma Women's University
Designation Part-time Lecturer
Specialization Japanese literature
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Literature and Onmyoudou in the Heian Period
Keywords 天地瑞祥志,平安時代の文学と陰陽道,禹歩・反閇,日本陰陽道展開,蜻蛉日記,綱母の物忌日,栄花物語,道兼・道長,平安貴族の物忌日,帝の御物忌と臣下の参籠
Relation with Nichibunken FY2020-2021 "The Current State of Shamanism and Divination: The Propagation and Development of Folk Beliefs in the East Asian World"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06