Researcher Details

Hiroyuki Hashimoto

Affiliation Otemon Gakuin University Faculty of Regional Development Studies
Designation Professor
Specialization Folklore
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Theater and Folklore
Keywords 中世, 芸能, 言説, 身体, 酒呑童子, 儀礼, 古墳, 田楽, 異類異形, まつり, 祭礼, 鬼, 変身, 変形, 民俗研究, 演技, 精神史,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2015-2016 "The Body in the Japanese Performing Arts: Death and Life, Puppets and Artificial Bodies" Team Research Member, FY1998-1999 "Japanese Musical Narrative: Orality, Structures, Meanings" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06