Researcher Details

Hiroshi Nakanishi

Affiliation Kyoto University School of Government
Designation Professor
Specialization Politics
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Research Interest International Politics in the 20th Century,Historical Studies in International Politics,History of International Relations in the Postwar Asia-Pacific Region,Foreign and Security Policy of Japan
Keywords 国際政治学,高坂正堯と戦後日本,日本政治史の中のリーダーたち,明治維新から敗戦後の秩序変容,グローバルな危機の政治的側面,冷戦後の日米関係,日本の国家安全保障,世界と日本の位置
Relation with Nichibunken FY2017-2018 "Tozai bunmeiron: Theories of Japanese Uniqueness and the Idea of Japan as the Only Bridge between East and West" Team Research Member,FY2010-2014 "The Images and Visions of Leaders in Modern Japan" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06