Researcher Details

Hiroshi Araki

Affiliation International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese literature
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Ancient and Medieval Japanese Literature, Religion and Literature, Mind, Dreams, Fuki-Dashi, Painting, Tradition and Expression
Keywords 源氏物語, 今昔物語集, 徒然草, 古典の研究, 夢の文化, 古典文化の国際的・現代的な可能性,シルクロードの文化学, 眠り, 夢と表象, 日本文化, 中世の随筆, 方丈記, 鴨長明とその時代, 小野随心院所蔵文献, 明恵, 夢記, 夢の形象, 中日交流, littérature japonaise classique, 海外での古典研究, 独生独死, 大和物語, 和泉式部物語, 沙石集, 光源氏と清盛, 仏教文学
Relation with Nichibunken FY2021-2023 "Solid “Impermanence”/Fragile “Impermanence”: The Transmogrification of the Classics and Future Prospects" Research Representative,FY2024 "A View on Global Japanese Studies" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2024/07/24