Researcher Details

Akira Kasuga

Affiliation Tama Art University
Designation Part-time Lecturer
Specialization Art history , Cultural anthropology , Folklore
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Ethnographic research on Balinese rituals with video and audio, Research on video and audio expression with a focus on advanced media, Production and research of media art works
Keywords 日本列島の古代における音の超越性,祭祀儀礼と神事芸能の諸相,陶酔のテクノロジー,バリ島の祭祀儀礼,ISEA 2002 NAGOYA,かながわアートアニュアル2001
Relation with Nichibunken FY2017-2020 "A Cultural History of Sound and Hearing" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06