Researcher Details

Hiromasa Fudita

Affiliation Kokugakuin University Faculty of Human Development.
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history , Education , Religious Studies
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Shintoism, Kokugaku, History of Japanese Education, History of Physical Education and Sports, Traditional Culture Education, History of Japanese Law, Imperial Household System
Keywords 日本宗教史,越境するアスリート,超国家主義と宗教,鈴木武ー学生陸上,国家神道と国体論,宗教とナショナリズム,神仏分離,神道青年の軌跡,戦時下における英霊公葬運動と神仏,抗争,明治神宮体育大会
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019~2023 "Sports as Civilization, Sports as Culture" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06