Researcher Details

Hiroaki Toyoda

Affiliation Osaka University
Designation Visiting Researcher
Specialization Asian and African history , Japanese history , Historical studies in general
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Castles in Asia, Comparative Urban History
Keywords 中国都城制, 茨木城, 城下町, 日本の宮都, 都市文化, 水無瀬離宮, 後鳥羽上皇, 庭園都市, 宋代喫茶法, 日本古代宮室, 周制の三朝制, 明堂, 唐制, 洛陽, 喫茶養生記, 藤原京, 都城概念, 古代景観, 城壁, 風俗画, 考古学
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016~2020 "East Asian Kingship and Social Order in a Comparative Context: Courts, Empires and States/ Thought, Religion and Rites" Team Research Member,FY2021~2023"Reconsidering the Early-Modern in the History of East Asia: In Search of a New Global History" Team Researcher
Last Updated 2023/09/06