Researcher Details

Hidekazu Imai

Affiliation Daito Bunka University Faculty of Literature
Designation Part-time teacher
Specialization Japanese literature
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Research Interest Japanese Early Modern Literature, Study of Yokai Culture
Keywords 夢野久作, 口寄せ, 妖怪, 甲子夜話 , 松浦静山, 河童, 自然発生, 異種変態, 大道芸, 民俗, 仏像信仰, 幽冥の談, 神仏図像学
Relation with Nichibunken FY2018-2021 "Imagining and Developing Images of the Body in Medicine, Art, and Folk Religion" Team Research Member,FY2016-2020 "Projecting Classicism: Visuality, Popularity, and Modernity" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06