Researcher Details

Hajime Yoshizawa

Affiliation Meisei University, The School of Humanities Department of Japanese and Comparative Culture
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Japanese history
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Research Interest Japanese Medieval Society and Zen Buddhism, Ashikaga Shogun and Medieval Buddhism
Keywords 僧坊酒宴, 飲酒, 室町文化, 仏教, 嵯峨, 仁和寺, 高山寺 , 在俗宗教 , 受衣儀礼, 袈裟, 掛絡 , 一休宗純, 三途河御阿姑, 地獄辻子, 遊女, ラーメンと室町文化, 南都律僧, 京都五山, 在俗宗教, 寧波, 渡唐天神像, 禅宗, 文化受容, 渡唐天神図像賛
Relation with Nichibunken FY2018-2021 "A Theory of Culture during the Oei and Eikyo periods: Between Popular Views of History on 'Kitayama Culture' and 'Higashiyama Culture'" Team Research Member, FY2015-2019 "Between Narrative Literature and Historical Sources" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06