Researcher Details

Ganta Kosukegawa

Affiliation Ehime University Faculty of Education
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese literature
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Medieval literature, Stories, Military history, Buddhist literature
Keywords 源平盛衰記, 湯月八幡宮, 武の物語, 古文, 古典文学, 禅林, 狩野一渓, 帝鑑図説, 伝承文学, 八幡宮愚童訓, 武士の教養, 政道, 僧の自伝, 月庵酔醒記, 壒嚢鈔, 秦河勝, 中世太子伝, 異伝
Relation with Nichibunken FY2018-2021 "A Theory of Culture during the Oei and Eikyo periods: Between Popular Views of History on 'Kitayama Culture' and 'Higashiyama Culture'" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06