Researcher Details

Gang Qin

Affiliation Beijing Foreign Studies University of China Beijing Center for Japanese Studies
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese literature , Aesthetics and studies on art
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Modern Japanese Literature,Animation,Film
Keywords 芥川龍之介, 羅生門, 身体, 映画, 杜子春, 蜘蛛の糸, 歯車, 中国遊記, 南京の基督, 自己, 他者, 坂口安吾, 宮崎駿, ジブリアニメ, 村上春樹, 蟹工船, 出版, 上海, 内山書店, 改造社, 林京子, 原爆, 中国の左翼美術, 柳瀬正夢, 魯迅, 上海租界, 民国, ディズニー映画, 南京, 堀田善衛, 石川達三, 谷崎潤一郎, 田漢, 翻訳
Relation with Nichibunken FY2022- "A Popular Cultural History of Labor and the Human Body: On the Connectivity of Wartime and Postwar" Team Research Member, FY2017-2020 "Popular Culture as Social Movement" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06