Researcher Details

Fumiaki Itakura

Affiliation Kobe University, Graduate School of International Cultural Studies
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Arts in general , Art history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Film Studies,Japanese Immigrants and Film
Keywords 映画,フィルム,映像,メディア,在米日系移民,映画受容,アイデンティティ,同化,映画興行,人種,エスニック,映画制作,軍事利用,接収,成沢玲川,日本語トーキー映画,映画史,伊藤大輔,フィルム・アーカイブ,映画資料の保存,複製
Relation with Nichibunken FY2014-2016 "Otaku Culture and the Wartime/Postwar Period"Team Research Member,FY2014-2015 "Reconstruction of the Postwar Showa History of Japanese Film"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06