Researcher Details

Frederik Cryns

Affiliation Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history , Historical studies in general
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of negotiations between Japan and Europe
Keywords 日本関係欧文図書, オランダ商館, 蘭学, 江戸の災害, オランダ人が見た日本, 機械論的身体観, 日本関係欧文図書目録, 杏雨書屋洋書目録, 日蘭関係史, オランダ商館長と将軍謁見, 西洋医術伝授, 江戸期における物心二元論, 徳川家康, 大坂の陣, 徳川家康の外交, 坪井信道, ブールハーフェの機械論思想, レーウェンフックの顕微鏡観察, Western Embryological Thought in the Edo Period,Herman Boerhaave, Mechanical Concept of the Human Body, Jacques Specx, Hirado,
Relation with Nichibunken FY 2022~ "The Formation and Development of Western Perceptions of Japan" Research Representative,FY2024 "Anthologizing "Chi (Knowledge)" for the Future: An Interdisciplinary Perspective" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2024/07/24