Researcher Details

Sang Mi Park

Affiliation Yokohama National University, Division of Urban Innovation
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Area Studies
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Research Interest Modern Japanese History, East Asian Relations, Cultural Policy, Choe Sung-hui Dance
Keywords 帝国, 文化, 植民地, 戦時期, 対外文化政策, 宝塚少女歌劇団, 舞踊家・崔承喜, 戦時下の移動演劇運動, 進駐軍向けの慰問公演, Popular Theater, Cultural Restoration, U.S. Occupation
Relation with Nichibunken FY2022- "A Popular Cultural History of Labor and the Human Body: On the Connectivity of Wartime and Postwar" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06