Researcher Details

Akihiro Yamamoto

Affiliation Kobe City University of Foreign Studies,The Course of General Culture,Field of Japanese Culture
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Historical studies in general , Sociology
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Media and Cultural History, Historical Sociology, Atomic Bombings and Nuclear Power Plants
Keywords 核意識の形成,野坂昭如, カム・アゲイン,原発災害後のメディア文化, 災害体験の思想化,見捨て体験, 死者の顔の反復,大江健三郎とその時代,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2016-2020"Reconsidering the History of Japanese Religions from the Perspective of Discrimination: The Logic of the Sacred and Impure in Shrines and Temples and Kingship"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06