Researcher Details

Wanxia Lu

Affiliation Shanghai International Studies University, School of Japanese Studies
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese Literature
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Japanese Classical Literature, Ancient Culture, Comparative Literature and Culture of China and Japan, Japanese Buddhist Literature
Keywords 遁世文学, 遁世者, 『徒然草』, 『沙石集』,『方丈記』, 『発心集』, 『無名抄』, 『雑談集』, 老荘思想, 仏教, 禅, 神祇, 信仰
Relation with Nichibunken FY2021-2023 "Solid “Impermanence”/Fragile “Impermanence”: The Transmogrification of the Classics and Future Prospects" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06