Researcher Details

Yu Hashimoto

Affiliation Hokkaido University, Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Division of Humanities
Designation Professor
Specialization Asian and African History , Japanese History
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of International Relations, Trade, and Cultural Exchange in Medieval Japan and East Asia
Keywords 政治文化, 外交儀礼, 国際関係, 国家と地域, 東アジア, 中世日本, 室町時代, 対外観, 東アジア海域, 唐物仏教・禅宗, Diplomatic Relations, States and Regions, East Asia, Medieval Japan
Relation with Nichibunken FY2021-2023 "Solid “Impermanence”/Fragile “Impermanence”: The Transmogrification of the Classics and Future Prospects" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06