Researcher Details

Hiroshi Sekiguchi

Affiliation Doshisha University, Institute for the Study of Humanities and Social Sciences
Designation Associate professor
Specialization Intellectual History , Japanese History
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Research Interest Liberation Movement of the discriminated lower class people (Buraku), Suiheisha
Keywords 被差別部落,部落問題,水平運動,マイノリティ,鳥居龍蔵,喜田貞吉,近現代史,融和運動,アイデンティティ,融和政策,被差別部落民,社会運動,日本史,近代日本,柳田国男,留岡幸助,部落改善政策,全国水平社,部落解放運動,部落史,アカデミズム,人種主義,賀川豊彦,生政治,統治性,在米日本人,生権力,優生学,犯罪学,精神医学
Relation with Nichibunken FY2021~ "Studying Nichibunken's Collection of Inoue Tetsujiro's Correspondence: The Rise and Fall of the Nation-State" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06