Researcher Details

Ellen Van Goethem

Affiliation Kyushu University, Graduate School of Humanities
Designation Associate Professor
Specialization Japanese history , Intellectual history , Religious studies , Archaeology
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Research Interest Ancient history and history of thought in Japan
Keywords reception history, Heian shrine, 平安神宮・八坂神社・賀茂別雷神社・松尾大社・城南宮, 簠簋内伝, 風水, 四神相応, 作庭紀, 木簡, 桓武天皇, 平安京, 宮都, Black Turtle-Snake, White Tiger, Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, 長岡京, Nara, Chinese-style capital cities
Relation with Nichibunken FY2023- "City and Monument: Urban Planning and Memory in Japan, from the Perspective of Visual Culture" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2024/08/07