Researcher Details

Yuki Mitsuhira

Affiliation International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Designation Assistant Professor
Specialization Sociology/History of science andtechnology
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Music Therapy in the East and West, History of Medical Culture, Cultural history of medical care
Keywords 音楽療法思想, 音楽史, 医学史, 医療文化, 江戸期・明治期の日本音楽療法, 日本関係欧文図書目録, 呉秀三の音楽療法, 貝原益軒の養生論, 東洋的身体観, 心身/身心, 医療音楽,リチャード・ブラウン, 古代ギリシアの音楽療法
Relation with Nichibunken FY2021-2023 "The Formation and Development of Western Perceptions of Japan" Team Research Member,FY2020-2023 "The Japanese Colonial Empire and the Global Linkage of Knowledge" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2024/07/31