Researcher Details

Yukari Nakahara

Affiliation Ehime University, Faculty of Law and Letters
Designation Professor
Specialization Cultural anthropology , Folklore
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Music, Performing Arts, Oceania, Japan, Multicultural Society, Musical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology (including Ethnology and Folklore), ethnomusicology, cultural anthropology
Keywords ハワイ松竹楽団と「別れの磯千鳥」,鉄道時代の観光戦略と歌,木曽節,長野共進会の木曽節,ハリー・ウラタの採集ノート,ハワイ日系移民,ホノルルー日系人,Nisei Singers, Chiyoko Ida Aoyagi, Hawaii Shochiku Orchestra,arry Urata and “Hole-hole Bushi,”Japanese Immigrant History in Hawai‘i,
Relation with Nichibunken FY2017-2020 "A Cultural History of Sound and Hearing" Team Research Member,FY2011-2016 "History and Culture of Japanese Immigration in the New Continent" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06