Researcher Details

Yujiro Murata

Affiliation Doshisha University,Graduate School of Global Studies
Designation Professor
Specialization Asian and African history , Intellectual history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest History of Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese History, History of Japan-China Relations
Keywords 清末, 総理衙門, 日本公使, 袁世凱, 康有為, 東学, 日本書目誌, 尊孔問題, 辛亥革命, 清末教育改革, 五四運動, 陳独秀, 李大ショウ, 民主化, リベラリズム, ナショナリズム, 国語問題, 婦女雜誌
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019-2023 "Reconstructing Modern East Asian Cultural History I: Focusing on the 19th Century" Team Research Member, FY2010-2013 "Intellectual Exchanges in East Asia Modern and Contemporary; Focusing on Conceptual Systems" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06