Researcher Details

Yuichi Kanamaru

Affiliation Ritsumeikan University, College of Economics 
Designation Professor
Specialization Asian and African history , Economics
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Modern and Contemporary Chinese History, Economic History of East Asia, Theology of Asia
Keywords 清水安三の記録, 日中战争期, 「支那通」クリスチャンと日中戦争, 戦争責任告白, 中国における賀川豊彦, 宋美齡のラジオ放送, 日本キリスト教「受難史」, 日中基督教关系史, 戦時日本専家視野下的中国電力産業
Relation with Nichibunken FY2023- "Japanese Foreign Policy in the Cold War Era: On the formation of the 'Peace State' (1952-1972)"Team Research Member
Last Updated 2024/02/07