Researcher Details

Yoshiko Takahashi

Affiliation Kyoto University Graduate School of Science Division of Biological Science Department of Zoology
Designation Professor
Specialization Biology
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Research Interest Developmental Biology
Keywords 背側大動脈, 血管-神経相互作用 , ガン転移, 上皮細胞 , 血管形成, エレクトロポレーション法 , 中胚葉 , 再生, 脊椎動物, 細胞移動 , 神経管, 組織間相互作用, 誘導, 分節, ニワトリ胚, シグナル分子 , 発生 , 形態形成, Neural Crest
Relation with Nichibunken FY2018-2021 "Imagining and Developing Images of the Body in Medicine, Art, and Folk Religion" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06