Researcher Details

Yoshiaki Fukuma

Affiliation Ritsumeikan University College of Social Sciences
Designation Professor
Specialization Sociology
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Media History, Memory and Knowledge of War
Keywords 戦後日本,記憶,勤労青年,教養文化史,教養の戦後史,人生雑誌,二・二六事件,戦後大衆文化,ファシズム,沖縄,広島,長崎,戦争体験,世代,イデオロギー,特攻,語り,反戦,世論,輿論,辺境,ナショナリティ
Relation with Nichibunken FY2015-2018 "Rethinking Postwar Japanese Culture" Team Research Member,FY2003-2007 "The "Relationship and Networks of Social Groups in Japan during the Interwar Period" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06