Researcher Details

Yoko Nojima(Kato)

Affiliation The University of Tokyo Faculty of Letters
Designation Professor
Specialization Japanese history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Modern Japanese History,Military and Diplomacy in Modern Japan
Keywords 日本史,近代史,1930年代の政治, 満州事変,日中戦争,憲法サバイバル,日記で読む近現代日本政治史,戦争, アメリカ, 共謀罪,南原繁と太平洋戦争, 日米関係と陸軍中堅層, 徴兵制と近代日本
Relation with Nichibunken FY2017-2018 "Tozai bunmeiron: Theories of Japanese Uniqueness and the Idea of Japan as the Only Bridge between East and West" Team Research Member,FY2012-2013 "War and Memory in the Shaping of Japanese Culture" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06