Researcher Details

Yoko Fukao

Affiliation Osaka University,Graduate School of Humanities
Designation Professor
Specialization Asian and African history
Related Page Web site
Research Interest Chinese Society, Global Management of Environment, Social Ecology
Keywords 中国農村, 黄土高原, 中国出稼ぎ「農民工」, 魂の脱植民地化, 共同体, 満洲, 森林, 商品作物生産, 煙草栽培, 廟会, 陝北農村, 女性
Relation with Nichibunken FY2019~2023 "Reconstructing Modern East Asian Cultural History I: Focusing on the 19th Century" Team Research Member, FY2021 "Reconstruing Honzōgaku as an East Asian Multidisciplinary Science: New Developments in Empirical Research on the Fusion of Arts and Sciences" Team Research Member
Last Updated 2023/09/06